Zoom update prevents microphone from staying active after calls on Mac #Zoom #microphone

San Francisco, Feb 13 : Video conferencing app Zoom has released a new update to its macOS app following user reports about the microphone not being disabled after ending a conference.

According to the company, this was just a bug that has now been fixed, reports 9To5Mac.

Since December last year, a number of users have been complaining about this bug in the Zoom Community.According to them, Macs microphone stayed active even after ending a Zoom conference -- which certainly raised privacy concerns.

Zoom Update Prevents Microphone From Staying Active After Calls On Mac #Zoom #mi

With a new privacy feature introduced with macOS Monterey that shows an orange dot in the menu bar when an app is using the microphone, users were able to immediately notice that there was something wrong with the Zoom app.Although the causes of the bug were unknown, the company has now fixed it, the report said.Zoom has confirmed that there was a bug in its macOS app that could cause the orange microphone-in-use indicator to appear even after leaving a call.

చేపల కోసం శృంగారం.. ట్రంప్ దెబ్బతో మహిళలకు దారుణ పరిస్థితి.. షాకింగ్ నిజం బయటపడింది!...

According to a company representative, the latest version of the app no longer has this problem.vc/ksk/ #Zoom #microphone #active #San Francisco #Cisco.
