You Can Buy Happiness with Money Money Can Buy Happiness Money

"Who says money does not make you happy .

?" Is the saying of the day.It is arguable that intoxicants of choice runs the taste in dance music.Indefinable.

The average person wants us to have everything we want in order to live contentedly.The basic mantra is money to pay for more.

According to a Nobel Prize-winning economist in 2010, we have Rs.A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania has revealed that it is not correct to say that there will be no new happiness after 54 lakhs and happiness will not come with money.Would it be surprising to find in their study that as money accumulates you will increase happiness, which is unspeakable happiness.

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This study was done technically and scientifically so if you know its depths you can also trust the subject.Of the 1,725,994 samples collected, it was found that Happiness could not be bought with money.


Is that why you still believe that upper class people who get higher salaries will be a little more happy? A real-time report on smartphones from 33,391 people revealed that they too can be happy with money.So it has been experimentally proven that old theories are long overdue.

If the same question is asked to you after all, what is the answer you will give.think once.

Moreover it turns out that it is not true that you will not find any happiness with the money you earn in addition to wrapping up so much money.That is why happiness increases as income increases.

The more money you have, the more options you have.If you have a lot of money on hand you count as having freedom.

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Money is the only thing that gives us more options to make decisions, big or small.Most people would be happy if there were more options.


So there is no substitute for money that makes you happy.One thing is for does not apply to everyone.

Because some people are happier and happier than money.They have nothing to change with money.

It all depends on the mindset of the person.But the common man thinks that with money he can buy all kinds of amenities and luxuries and enjoy himselfcan money buy happiness,money can buy happiness,money and happiness,money and happiness meditation,money and happiness ted talk,money and happiness study,money cant buy happiness,money and happiness psychology,money and happiness scholarly article,can money buy happiness debate,money can buy happiness research,with money you can buy happiness,telugu facts,viral news,trendin#Money #Happiness #Viracharun Pid: 1893158 #Telugu #TeluguNews #TeluguPolitical Please Subscribe To TeluguRajakeeyalu Channel ? for More Daily Videos.& Click on Bell ? Channel:Telugu Rajakeeyalu .