Bengaluru, Dec 6 : Prakash Sesharaghavachar, a senior BJP leader in Karnataka who went to Ayodhya in 1992 and took part in the December 6 demolition of the Babri Masjid and witnessed the whole sequence of events, said that he is proud of it."Razing the old structure paved the way for the grand Ram temple today.
He said that it was a proud and historic moment.
Recollecting the events, he said first it was a group of women who climbed three domes of the Babri Masjid and started breaking them, followed by others."I used to send off kar sevaks who travelled to Ayodhya.
I was inspired by the spirit of thousands of people and decided to embark on my journey to Ayodhya with a friend, whose two brothers and wife had come for the Kar Seva.A bus was organized from Allahabad on December 2nd to reach Ayodhya.We stepped into the temple town at 1.30 a.m.," he said."Though it was December there was no cold as such.
We were informed that details about the Kar Seva would be revealed on December 4.The next day, we were asked to bring a handful sand from Saryu river banks and place it in the designated spot.I was assigned to protect the 150-foot area in RSS uniform.He said .I was thrilled.It was as if the entire town was filled with Ram bhakts.
One youth posed as Lord Hanuman and climbed inside the barricades.People began to follow him and raise slogans.They were not cleared.
The twist came when a group of 50 youths with yellow bands wrapped around their foreheads tried to push the kar sevaks out from the place, he said.This was the last straw.
The barricades were broken by thousands of kar sevaks.L.K., former Deputy Prime Minister, appealed for peace.Advani Ji, Murli Manohar Joshi Ji (former Deputy Prime Minister), former Chief Minister Uma Bhharti, Ashok Singhal, Sadhvi Rathambhara, and other leaders of the VHP were unsuccessful in their appeals to maintain peace.
"We saw three domes of the structure being broken by teams of women.A sea of kar-sevaks rushed forward to help.
The police couldnt stop the Ram bhakts after seeing their power.The structure began to crumble.By 6 p.m., all three domes were brought down," he recollected.The next day, the remains of the controversial structure were cleared to install the idol of Ram lalla.
Thousands of kar sevaks cleared the debris with their bare hands and arrangements were made to build a temporary temple.Presidents Rule was declared in Uttar Pradesh on December 7.The Presidents Rule was declared in Uttar Pradesh on December 7.The Rapid Action Force took the kar sevaks into their custody at 4 a.m.the next day."We quietly began with our luggage towards to the railway station," he stated ." If that hadnt happened, the grand Ram Temple would have remained a distant dream." He said, "I am proud," again.
"The razing of an old structure paved the way for a grand temple today," he added.mka/b #Ramjanmabhoomi #demolished #December # Murli Manohar Joshi #Alur #Karnataka #Uttar Pradesh #Ayodhya .
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