Why are Cats Afraid of Water Cats Hate Water Facts about Cats

We often see birds and dogs bathing in the water.But have you ever wondered why cats are so far away from the water? Many scientists have researched the nature of cats.

According to the Encyclopidia Britannica, scientists theorize that cats are born with a tendency to do so.In the past, they were born in dry climatesThe availability of water there was limited, meaning that from the beginning no river or pond was available to bathe them.That is why cats live in a dry environment for a long time and gradually become accustomed to it.This trait develops in the genes of cats, which are then passed on to their offspringIn addition, cats like fur because they have furry skin.However, there are some select breeds of cats that do not have such problems with water.They are not afraid of water.Remember these things.

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