When Amanda Seyfried ‘bit’ Channing Tatum #Amanda #Seyfried

Los Angeles, Feb 10 : Hollywood star Channing Tatum has said that his Dear John co-star Amanda Seyfried "bit" him but he didnt give any details as to how or why.Asked if hes been bitten by a co-star before, he said: "Amanda Seyfried, I think.

Im almost positive she bit me."For his latest movie, Dog, Channing admitted his co-star had left him with a scar, reports femalefirst.co.uk.Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel asked if the dog had bitten him and he said: "A lot.Three times in the movie.Then I actually got bit for real.

I have a little smiley face scar on my buttocks."The Magic Mike star says it has "gone horribly awry" whenever hes worked with animals in the past, recalling a scene in Hail, Caesar! when the dog in his scene had to bark at the end of his line.

He noted: "We sat there for six hours and the dog just wouldnt bark."Channing was sporting a shaved head on the show and admitted the first time he had his locks shorn when he was modelling, it led to him being inundated with offers of work.

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He said: "I started working all the time," Channing said."I wasnt getting any work.


And then I shaved my head and I started getting all the work."Jimmy then asked his guest if he will be "waxing [his] body" for the upcoming Magic Mikes Last Dance but he admitted he cant be bothered with the grooming.

He said: "No, were going to change with the times and Im not going to do the whole waxing thing.We are just going to go natural.

"Jimmy asked: "Is this just because you dont want to be waxed anymore."Channing laughed: "Yeah, pretty much.A little bit of hair is fine.

"dc/kr #Amanda #Seyfried #Tatum #Los Angeles #Hollywood.
