UP to adopt ‘airshed approach’ for clean air

Lucknow, April 27 : Uttar Pradesh will now adopt the airshed approach to ensure pollution- free air over a larger area of the state.The state has set a target of reducing PM 2.

5 level in the air to 45 micrograms per cubic metre in five years.The airshed approach will help achieve the target, government officials said.

Incidentally, Uttar Pradesh will be the first state in the country to adopt airshed management for clean air with the help of World Bank and other national and international institutes.According to the government spokesman, there are two types of airsheds -- the micro airshed that exists in the vicinity of the place and the macro airshed, that exists over a larger area.

UP To Adopt airshed Approach For Clean Air-Environment/Wildlife-Telugu Tollywood

The Uttar Pradesh Environment, Forests and Climate Change department wants to make the stakeholders aware of the airshed approach.Uttar Pradeshs larger airshed is the entire Indo-Gangetic plain.

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Stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana during winter affects the quality of air because of the airshed.However, Lucknows air quality cannot be improved by focusing only on sources of pollution within the city but by adopting an airshed approach.


Uttar Pradesh has also done a study on air quality and factors affecting it.The study is based on satellite data and also data from ground stations to show sources of pollution.The measures will be taken up in coordination with the departments like Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Agriculture, Urban Development and Industrial Development.

amita/khz/ #adopt #airshed #approach #clean #Haryana #Punjab #Uttar Pradesh #Lucknow .
