Subtrial ends in suicide in Gujarat

Rajkot, Oct 9 : An undertrial allegedly committed suicide on Sunday by hanging himself with a bed sheet in his barrack of the Rajkot Central Jail in Gujarat.

Sadar Police Station Officer said that jail authorities reported to the police station that 25-year-old Deepak Arjan hanged himself to death.

His body is sent for post-mortem and investigation is on.Arjan was arrested in connection with a Protection of Children from Sexual Offence (POCSO) case.After police remand, a special POCSO court had sent him to judicial custody in the Rajkot Central jail.

Arjan was arrested after father of 13-year-old, complained that his daughter was kidnapped on the intervening night of September 1 and 2.har/svn/ #Subtrial #Gujarat #Jan #Rajkot .

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