Tel Aviv shooting suspect killed by Israeli security forces

Tel Aviv, April 8 : Israeli security forces on Friday killed a Palestinian gunman suspected of carrying out a mass shooting attack in Tel Aviv the previous evening, killing two people and injuring several others.

The suspect, a Palestinian from the West Bank, was located hiding near a mosque in Jaffa and was killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli Security Agency personnel and National Counter-Terrorism Unit officers, reports Xinhua news agency.

The security agency said that an investigation into the attack is still ongoing, and "none of our forces were wounded".On Thursday evening, the suspect opened fire into a crowded bar on Dizengoff street, where many cafes and bars are located, Tel Aviv Police Commander Amichai Eshed said in a briefing.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett held a situation assessment meeting on Friday morning with his defense minister, public security minister and other senior officials.The shooting was the fourth deadly attack in Israel in less than three weeks, during which 13 people were killed.

మిస్ యు మై మ్యాన్... సంచలనం రేపుతున్న సమంత పోస్ట్?...

"We will fight terror without compromise," said Foreign Minister Yair Lapid.Israeli police and military have increased their presence in the streets, with the countrys alert level raised several days ago.ksk/ #Aviv #suspect #Israeli #security #Ali.
