Taliban’s highest-ranking Army officer heads to northern Afghanistan

Kabul, June 24 : Qari Fasihuddin Fitrat, the Chief of Staff of the armed forces of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, headed a high-ranking delegation to Sar-e-Pol province, in the north of Afghanistan, according to the state-run Bakhtar News Agency.

A senior military mission to Sar-e-Pol province was led by Talibans highest-ranking army officer Fasihuddin Fitrat, Khaama Press reported.

The Taliban governments Al-Fatah North Corps and Al-Farooq Herat Corps commanders are accompanying him.Fitrat reportedly stated that his travel to Sar-e-Pol was intended to assess security issues and inspect Taliban units stationed in the region, according to reports.People close to Mawlavi Mahdi Mujahid aka Mawlawi Mujahid, the Islamic Emirates disgruntled Hazara commander, however, told the BBC that the situation in Balkhab, where they are stationed, was not good and that a confrontation may happen at "any moment".

Talibans Highest-ranking Army Officer Heads To Northern Afghanistan-Internationa

The opening of a "serious clash" between the Taliban and Mawlawi Mahdi Mujahids forces was reported this morning, Thursday, by the local media, Khaama Press reported.To attack Mawlawi Mujahid, Taliban forces have dispatched forces from different locations, according to the sources.

ఒక అమ్మాయి వల్లే జీవితం నాశనమైంది... లవ్ స్టోరీ బయట పెట్టిన నటుడు హర్షవర్ధన్!...

In Qom Kotel and Balkhab districts of Sar-e-Pol province, Mawlawi Mahdis troops claim to have thwarted two Taliban attacks yesterday (Thursday) evening and on Friday morning.They also say to have inflicted casualties on the Taliban.


According to some media outlets, the final rounds of negotiations between Mawlawi Mahdi Mujahid and officials of the Taliban ended since no agreement was reached.#Talibans #heads #northern #Afghanistan.
