Suchitra Pillai was a fan of playing multiple characters that were’sitting in an office’ audiobooks

By Ila SankrityayaNew Delhi, Aug 21 : Model, actress, and VJ Suchitra Pillai has said that she loves doing audio shows because people appreciate her voice.

She has voiced many characters, including the of the main character in the audiobook "Naqaab".

She freely discusses being a part of the project and how she managed to portray so many characters.The audiobook is an psychological thriller by J.P.Pomare and it is based on psychologist Margot Scott.The 51-year-old actress explains her role , saying: "This audiobook is about the psychologist Margot Scott, her family as well as her clients.So, to play her and all of her family members, clients, and members and so on.was the most challenging part of it.Its also the most interesting thing about audiobooks: you are able to play many characters, and youre all focused on your voice." "You dont have expressions you dont have a face, you have vocal expressions can be relied on, and nothing to be done with the facial expressions of your face, to tell an interesting story, which is the most fascinating aspect of making this book.

" She further explains the reasons she is interested in making audio-based shows, and says: "Ive always appreciated the fact that people are awed by my voice and all that I could achieve with it.To be able to play many characters, just sitting in the studio, and to close your eyes and perform as many characters is an actors desire." The story of "Naqaab" is captivating and is brimming with tension and suspense.

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When asked if narrating this role is was difficult, she replies: "No special training is required for it.It was definitely challenging Im not going be honest, particularly because certain books are more narrator-centric and contain just one or two characters in the book.The most challenging aspect of this particular book was the fact that there are numerous characters in the same book.


" "There were scenes where youd include Margot or her husband, or even two children as well as the antagonist in all in one scene, and you was required to switch voices for each of the characters.Although one doesnt have to, they all had distinct voices, and without doubt, you could still hear Suchi in every one of them however, they were distinct voices.

" "So you cant switch between one - literally an entire line to the next, particularly when there are other emotions at play in the event that Margot was angry and the antagonist displayed an edgy attitude.The husband was a patronizing individual The daughter was angry and the whole of the above in just one line, without a break, thats the thing that really is what makes it so fascinating.

And the way to do this is when you become confused.You can refer to a reference document whenever you return to listen to the voice you used for A, B, C and D.Then you go back to the chapter and repeat the process.Thats the method I did," adds the actress on the difficulties she faced and the method used by her to play several characters.

The actress from Dil Chahta Hai describes how this project differs from the previous ones and states: "This one is very different! The other project Ive worked on for Audible is Adultery written by Paulo Coelho.The story was mostly about the protagonists husband or lover , etc.There were maybe three, if not four major characters , as contrast to the present where there are a million characters." Naqaab is available on Audible.ila/kv.
