SKorea, US, Japan reaffirm NKorea’s denuclearisation obligation

Seoul, Dec 9 : National security advisers of South Korea, the US and Japan reaffirmed on Saturday that North Korea is obliged under UN Security Council resolutions to abandon its nuclear weapons programme.

After talks in Seoul, South Korea NSA Cho Tae-yong made the remark during a joint press briefing with his US and Japanese counterparts, Jake Sullivan and Takeo Akiba.

"We reaffirmed North Koreas obligation under UN Security Council resolutions to denuclearise and ban military cooperation, and agreed to strengthen cooperation among the three countries to secure the international communitys strict implementation," Cho said, Yonhap news agency reported.

SKorea, US, Japan Reaffirm NKoreas Denuclearisation Obligation-Defence-Telugu To

The three countries agreed to pursue trilateral security cooperation without delay, including through the real-time sharing of North Korean missile warning data and by drawing up multiyear plans for trilateral military exercises.

చేపల కోసం శృంగారం.. ట్రంప్ దెబ్బతో మహిళలకు దారుణ పరిస్థితి.. షాకింగ్ నిజం బయటపడింది!...

