Mumbai, Feb 16 : Actor Sharad Malhotra, whose Instagram follower count touched one million recently, says credit belongs to his fans rather than himself."It took me quite some time -- a couple of years -- to touch the 1 million mark.
It was a long but sweet journey.It feels very special to officially enter the Million Club.
Its a great feeling and I just owe all this, everything to all my fans and viewers out there.I think its more of their achievement than mine," Sharad tells IANS.
The Naagin 5 actor adds: "I keep saying all the time that actors are nothing without their fans and viewers.All the hard work we do, its the fans and the viewers who watch it and appreciate it." "On Insta World, as I call it, everything practically you do -- personal or professional -- it is out there.The Insta stocks have gone so high that everybody wants everything to be on Insta, be it their real-world or reel-world," Sharad notes.
Does it ever get too overwhelming for him to be on social media? "Social media has its own positives and negatives.It depends on how you want to take it as an actor.
What you want to share is completely in your hand and what you want to focus on is also in your control," shares the actor.
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