Seoul, Dec 10 : South Korean tech giant Samsung, which is likely to launch the upcoming Galaxy S22 series early next year, might launch the Galaxy S22 Ultra as S22 Note, media reports say."The S22 Ultra is now dead and that the next is actually the S22 Note," citing tipster, GizmoChina reported on Friday.
In terms of specifications, the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (or the S22 Note) will feature a familiar Note design and will sport a S Pen slot.
The rear panel will feature a quad camera setup -- 108MP + 10MP + 10MP + 12MP.
According to the report, it is likely that the device will be revealed sometime around February.
The Galaxy S22 series Indian variant is expected to skip the next gen Exynos in favour of the Snapdragon SoC for the first time ever in the #Samsung #Galaxy #Ultra #China #Snapdragon.
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