S.Korea says China’s opposition to Yoon’s attendance at NATO summit ‘lack of courtesy’

Sejong, June 29 : Prime Minister Han Duck-soo has said it would be a lack of courtesy for China to take issue with President Yoon Suk-yeol taking part in a summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Han made the remarks during a dinner meeting with reporters Tuesday as Yoon was in Madrid to attend the NATO summit, Yonhap news agency reported.

South Korea is not a member of NATO but was invited to the summit along with Japan, Australia and New Zealand as the organisations Asia-Pacific partners.China has opposed Asia-Pacific nations, including South Korea, attending the NATO gathering.

"If it is necessary for our security, we should go," Han said."It would be a lack of courtesy for China to say do it or dont do it.It is not in line with mutual respect."Last week, US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby was asked about Chinas opposition to South Koreas participation in the NATO Summit.

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Kirby replied that, "China doesnt get a veto on what meetings the South Koreans attend and associate themselves with.And this isnt about an Asian version of NATO.


"Referring to Kirbys remarks, Han said, "I think thats the right thing to say."Yoon has criticised former President Moon Jae-in for giving the impression that South Korea was tilting toward China.Perceptions that the Yoon governments stance on China have raised concerns that Beijing could retaliate against South Korea -- as it did when the US deployed the THAAD antimissile system to South Korea in 2017.

Asked whether South Korea would maintain its diplomatic stance even if China takes retaliatory measures shown in 2017, Han replied, "Of course.""If China is dissatisfied and says that it will take economically unfavorable actions when we seek to pursue the values that the world respects, it should be said that it is not the right thing to do," Han said.int/shs #SKorea #Chinas #attendance #NATO #summit #lack #China #Beijing #Madrid.
