Remember These Gods While Sleeping And Waking Up Details

Usually when we go to bed every night, most of us fall asleep thinking of their favorite god or waking up in the morning thinking of their favorite god.But when you go to sleep, when you wake up, you must remember something God.

But when it comes to what good happens by thinking of any god.Every day during our sleep we must remember that Lord Shiva.Scholars say that before going to sleep in this order, one should remember Om Paramasvara called Om Namasivaya and go to sleep.

Scholars say that by falling asleep in this way, we will not have any nightmares in our dreams, so that we will be able to sleep comfortably and peacefully so that we will not have any fears while sleeping.Also, scholars say that when one wakes up in the morning, one must wake up with Srimannarayana in mind.

Remember These Gods While Sleeping And Waking Up Details-Devotional-Telugu Tolly

When it comes to what is the reason for waking up to Vishnu in this way.Vishnu is the status quo.That is why every morning we wake up chanting His name and we are driven forward with great joy throughout the day.Chanting the Narayana mantra every day and waking up makes the whole day very peaceful.Scholars say that it is very good to remember Narayana after waking up before going to sleep like this - Remember These Gods While Sleeping And Waking Up Details telugu-title:పడుకునే ముందు.లేచిన తర్వాత ఏ దేవుడిని స్మరించుకోవాలి.

రామ్ చరణ్ అల్లు అర్జున్ మహేష్ బాబు లతో సినిమా ప్లాన్ చేస్తున్న స్టార్ ప్రొడ్యూసర్స్......

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