Relationship expert, Shahzeen Shivdasani tells you to embrace dating in 2022

By IANSlifeNew Delhi, Jan 1 (IANSlife) The rules of dating are constantly changing.Discovering a companion or forming a meaningful relationship can be difficult, but there is always hope of finding love, even when you least expect it.

Bumble Indias Relationship Expert, Shahzeen Shivdasani, offers some advice to help you navigate dating in 2022."The most fundamental guideline of dating is to enjoy yourself and live in the moment.

The dating world, as complicated as it is, is also full of adventure and excitement.Take everything one day at a time and have fun.Remember not to compromise on what you actually want during the process.The secret to finding your mate is having healthy dating practises and not settling for less," states Shahzeen.

Looking ahead, 4 in 5 single Indians are excited and hopeful about dating as immunizations become more widely available.As you prepare to start dating in the new year, keep these pointers in mind:Date at your own pace: Date who you want and how you want to in the new year, set a pace for yourself, one that makes you comfortable.You should not need to feel like you have to rush into a relationship.

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Take the time to get to know each other better before you decide to take the next step in your relationship.It is absolutely okay to take your time before getting intimate with someone.


Say NO to red flags: If your budding romance is showing signs of red flags, please do not ignore them.Sometimes we can get carried away with the excitement brought about by new dating prospects.

At early stages, when you know that this partnership is probably not the one for you, learn to walk away at an early stage.Do not go back to your ex: Embracing dating means looking ahead and not looking back.Most breakups include a little bit of wallowing, and thats fine! But if thinking about your ex has become disruptive to your day-to-day routine, making a schedule you can follow helps get your thoughts back on track.

Theres no one right way to get over an ex, but making small changes can help you move on and eventually make another meaningful connection.Be your authentic self: Be true to who you, although it sounds obvious (and maybe a little cliché), it is vital to show your true self from the onset of the first date.One of the easiest ways to be your own self is to take a step out of yourself and pay attention to your date.

You will no longer feel the need to impress or come up with conversation topics, and your date will appreciate the attention.Make the first move: There is something attractive about knowing what you want and going after it.Making the first move is a true confidence booster.If you find someone cute and want to get to know them, dont wait around for them to approach you or start a conversation.

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Start it yourself and be confident about it! Shivdasani, also gives some suggestions to help you Bumble better and navigate your dating journey:*Send your message at a time when people are most likely to be online and responsive! The most popular time to be on Bumble is between 7 and 10 p.m., especially on weekdays, when individuals prepare to unwind from the days activities and engage in leisurely pursuits before night.*Love them or loathe them, emojis have become the new grammar in our daily conversations.


The shrugging emoji is one of the most popular emojis found on Bumble profiles globally in 2021.The airplane emoji (?) was another popular emoji on Bumble profiles as people started traveling again with the ease of lockdowns across the world.*Dont leave your profile blank since less is more! This is your chance to show off your incredible sense of humour and introduce yourself to your next possible mate.

A witty, memorable profile is something that everyone enjoys.Always remember to retain a good attitude! Its usually a good idea to include a question in your profile that a possible match can answer in their initial reply to you.*Demonstrate your unique and genuine self: Give concrete instances or tales to demonstrate what makes you unique to your potential partners.Many people are outgoing, adventurous, enjoy travelling, or are physically active.What is your favourite food to prepare if you enjoy cooking? What show are you currently watching on television? What does a normal Saturday night include for you? (IANSlife can be contacted at #Relationship #Shahzeen #Shivdasani #tells #embrace #Delhi #Jan #Delhi #New Delhi #Bally #Idea #Emoji.