NGT asks DM of UP’s Banda to review Rs 1.45 cr illegal mining fine

New Delhi, May 3 : The National Green Tribunal has directed the District Magistrate of Uttar Pradeshs Banda to verify the value of the material illegally mined and asked to review the Rs 1.45 crore environmental fine imposed earlier.

The NGTs principal bench, headed by Chairperson, Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel, noted that according to the report, the fine amount includes the value of the illegally-mined material in terms of the 2017 judgment of the Supreme Court in Common Cause vs.Union if India & Ors."However, it is not clear how the value of the mined material is calculated when lease money is Rs 20 crore per year, as noted in the order of the Tribunal.The District Magistrate may thus look into this aspect and verify the value of the mined material.

If the value of the mined material is found to be more, further action be taken as per the law," said the order dated April 29.As per the complaint filed by applicant Haidar Khan, company, R.S.I.Stone World Ltd is involved in sand mining, violating environmental norms and without consent from the state PCB in Naraini tehsil of the district.On the NGTs intervention, the state PCB had on September 22, 2020, found violation of norms by the company.

NGT Asks DM Of UPs Banda To Review Rs 1.45 Cr Illegal Mining Fine-Environment/Wi

The committee had found mining down to six metres against the maximum permitted depth up to three metres with the use of Pokland machines, use of lifter machines, part of which were found inside the Ken river.Accordingly, the Banda District Magistrate cancelled the lease and blacklisted the project proponent and also slapped an environmental compensation of Rs 1.45 crore.An FIR was also lodged on March 15, 2020, apart from other action.

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