New Zealand reports 56 new cases of Delta variant

Wellington, Dec 23 : New Zealand reported 56 new cases of Delta variant of Covid-19 in the community on Thursday, bringing the total to 10,432 in the countrys current community outbreak.

Among the new infections, 42 were recorded in the largest city of Auckland, four in nearby Waikato, six in Bay of Plenty, one in Taranaki, one in Tairawhiti and two in the Lakes district, according to the health ministry.

A total of 48 cases are being treated in hospitals, including seven in intensive care units or high dependency units, Xinhua news agency reported citing the ministry statement.The number of confirmed Covid cases in New Zealand stands at 13,278 currently, said the health ministry.

Around 95 per cent of eligible people in the country have received their first dose, and 91 per cent are fully vaccinated.In light of the emerging fear of the Omicron variant, the government announced on Tuesday precautionary measures, including shortening the period between the second and booster doses of the Pfizer vaccine from six months to four months.Vaccinations for 5-11 year-olds will be available from January 17, 2022, authorities said.

New Zealand has 56 cases of Delta variant in its new repor

91% of all eligible citizens have had their first vaccine, while 95 percent are up to dateThe government has announced precautionary measures in light of growing concern about the Omicron variant.They include reducing the time between booster and second doses of Pfizers vaccine by six to four months.

100 కోట్ల పైన మొదటి రోజు కలెక్షన్స్ సాధించిన ప్రభాస్ 5 సినిమాలు ఇవే...

Authorities announced that vaccines for children aged 5-11 years old will become available starting January 17th, 2022.#Zealand #Delta #Pfizer #Covid #Omicron #Covid-19.
