Movie tickets to cost more in Lucknow

Lucknow, Nov 24 : There is bad news for movie goers in Lucknow.

The Lucknow Municipal Corporation (LMC) House has unanimously passed a proposal to levy more tax on cinema halls in the city, to increase revenue.

Currently, municipal tax is charged at Rs 25 per show, but the House proposed to hike it to around Rs 100, for which a committee will be constituted.

Movie Tickets To Cost More In Lucknow-Business-Telugu Tollywood Photo Image

“The tax on cinema halls was not reviewed for many years, so there is a necessity to review it,” said Mayor Sushma Kharakwal on Thursday.

కొడుకు కోసం అలాంటి కథను ఎంచుకున్న నాగార్జున.. తండ్రి నమ్మకం నిజమవుతుందా?...

Around 350 shows are run daily.


If tax rates are increased, the LMC will earn four times more revenue, said officials.

An office-bearer of the UP Cinema Federation said, “At least, we should have been consulted before the decision was taken.It will surely affect the common man.If cinemas are pressed to pay more, they will have to increase ticket prices.”
