New Delhi (12/12/2012) Prime Minister NarendraModi’s Twitter handle was “very briefly compromised”, according to the Office of the Prime Minister (PMO), in a Sunday tweet. “PM @narendramodi’s Twitter handle was briefly compromised.Twitter was notified and the account was immediately secure.”Any tweet that was shared during the compromised period must not be taken seriously,” PMO India stated in a Tweet.
This account has more than 73.4 millions followers.
A tweet with Modi’s URL was sent before the account was reinstated.It read: “India officially adopts bitcoin as legal currency.Officially, the government purchased 500 bitcoins and distributed them to all citizens of India.
Minutes later, another tweet was posted, saying: “Yes this account is hacked by John Wick ([email protected]), We have not hacked Paytm Mall.”
The account was compromised and #Hacked became a trending topic in India.
“Good Morning Modi ji, Sab Changa Si?,” Srinivas BV, the national president of the Indian Youth Congress, tweeted.
“Was the Twitter account of the Hon’ble PM shri #NarendraModi ji hacked? And promise of #Bitcoin !!” tweeted political activist Tehseen Poonawalla.
#hacked #narendramodi #bitcoin #Modis #handle #Bitcoin #Delhi #Delhi #New Delhi #Paytm #Twitter #Congress
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