Man handed 5-year RI in MBBS student suicide case

New Delhi/Puducherry, Aug 28 : A special CBI court in Puducherry has awarded five years of rigorous imprisonment (RI) to a person convicted in connection with the suicide case of medical student Priyadarshini. 

The court, while imposing the jail term on the accused S.

Pradeep, a resident of Thirukannur in Puducherry, also levied a fine of Rs 5,000 on him for committing the crime.

The CBI had registered the case in 2015, following the order of the Madras High Court.

Man Handed 5-year RI In MBBS Student Suicide Case-Crime News-Telugu Tollywood Ph

Initially, the case was handled by the Thirubuvanai Police in Puducherry.

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Priyadarshini, a fourth-year MBBS student at a Medical College & Hospital in Puducherry, was staying in the hostel.


Reportedly, she was in love with Pradeep, a resident of Thirukannur.Later, he began avoiding her, leading to differences between them.

Pradeep had sent her an SMS, casting aspersions on her character, which proved to be the breaking point and led to Priyadarshinis suicide, an official said.

She hanged herself from the ceiling in her hostel room.

The incident was reported on May 16, 2012.

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The evidence of the SMS was also recovered by the Forensic Science Department (FSD) in Chennai, from the deceaseds mobile phone.


After the investigation, a charge sheet was filed in 2017 against Pradeep at a court in Puducherry.

The trial court found the accused guilty and convicted him.
