Lord Vishnus Sudarshan Chakra Unknown Facts Facts #Lord #Vishnus #Sudarshan #Chakra #Darsha

We are reminded of the Sudarshan Chakra in the hand of Lord Vishnu.

In the Puranas, the trident in the hand of Shiva and the wheel in the hand of Vishnu are the most powerful.

This Sudarshan Chakra on the right index finger of Lord Vishnu has many wonderful powers.Legend has it that this Sudarshan Chakra was given to Vishnu as a result of 1000 years of penance.

The Sudarshan Chakra has 108 sharp blade-like shapes.Travels a few million projects in the blink of an eye.One plan is eight kilometers.It should be applied only on the enemy.

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Once launched the target is retrieved once completed.According to the Puranas, Vishnu must seek refuge without running to escape the attack of the Sudarshan Chakra.


Vishnu meditates on Lord Shiva for 1000 years and asks for a powerful weapon to slay the demons.With that, Lord Shiva offers the Sudarshan Chakra to Vishnu.Since then, in all the incarnations of Lord Vishnu, there has been a wheel on the index finger of the right hand - Lord Vishnus Sudarshan Chakra Unknown Facts Lord Vishnus Sudarshan Chakra Unknown Facts Read More ??https:/telugustop.com/?p=1161925 - Telugu Facts #TeluguFacts #TeluguRareFacts #TeluguQuotes #TeluguTruths #Telugu #TeluguStop | Facts #Lord #Vishnus #Sudarshan #Chakra #Darshan #Shiva #Facts #TeluguNewsVideos Channel:Telugu Facts .
