K’taka horror: Mother spends 4 days with daughter’s dead body

Mandya (Karnataka), May 31 : In a shocking development, an incident of a mother spending four days with her daughters dead body came to light on Tuesday in Karnatakas Mandya district.

According to the police, Nagamma, the elderly lady a resident of Halahalli village, was found sleeping beside the foul-smelling and decaying body of her daughter inside their house when the local broke open the door.

Nagammas daughter Roopa had died at home, but Nagamma chose to not reveal it to anyone.She had locked the doors and chose to stay inside with the body.

Ktaka Horror: Mother Spends 4 Days With Daughters Dead Body-Crime News English-T

The locals initially neglected the foul smell emanating from her house thinking that it could be a dead rat.However, they got suspicious after observing that neither Roopa nor Nagammahad come out of the house for a long time.They also tried contacting Roopa on the phone, but their calls went unanswered.

ఒక అమ్మాయి వల్లే జీవితం నాశనమైంది... లవ్ స్టోరీ బయట పెట్టిన నటుడు హర్షవర్ధన్!...

The police said they are yet to ascertain the exact cause of Roopas death.After being married for 10 years, Roopa returned to her mothers house after parting with her husband.


mka/ksk/ #Ktaka #horror #Mother #daughters # Roopa #Mandya .
