Kerala govt official faces suspension for conducting prayer in office

Thiruvananthapuram, Nov 20 : A child development officer in Keralas Thrissur was suspended on Monday after a probe found him guilty of conducting a prayer at the workplace to remove "negative energy".


A.Bindhu had held a prayer at one of the Child Development Offices in Thrissur leading to her suspension.

A probe into the incident was ordered by District Collector Krishna Teja.

హీరోలందు ఈ హీరో వేరయా.. ఆస్తి, కులం అసలు పట్టించుకోడు..?...

Trouble began when a contract employee of the office wore a ceremonial Christian robe to office in October and conducted a prayer allegedly on the direction of the head who believed that some negative energy had gripped the office building and wanted to get rid of it by a prayer session.

