Kerala Assembly Speaker resigns, to become a minister

Thiruvananthapuram 3rd September : Kerala Assembly Speaker and CPI-Ms top leader M.B.

Rajesh has resigned from his position on Saturday in order to join the Cabinet of Pinarayi VijayanThe swearing-in ceremony of Rajesh is expected to take place on Tuesday according to sources from the government.CPI-M state committee members and Thalassery MLA A.N.Shamseer is the next Assembly Speaker.The changes were implemented after the newly appointed CPI-M state secretary M.V.Govindan quit the position of the Urban Affairs as well as Excise Minister.Govindan took office following the resignation of the incumbent state secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan had to be admitted to an private hospital in Chennai to undergo treatment for cancer.

Balakrishnan was the one who demanded that he would step down from the post of state secretary and not go on a break for his treatment.Rajesh is a two-term Lok Sabha MP and an MLA for the first term who was an office-bearer of the SFI and the DYFI for a long time.

Shamseer is an MLA from the second term who been in charge of both the SFI and the DYFI in the state.aal/ar.

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