Jaggareddy Planning To Change Party Is It A Key Decision Today

Key developments are taking place day by day in the Telangana Congress party.

Maybe in the Congress party, it is known that Jaggareddy will always be in the news with hot comments in Telangana state politics.

However, the appointment of Jagga Reddy Rewanth as PCC chief, who was able to express his views in the Congress party from the outset, became a sensation at the time when Rewanth was openly criticized for his appointment.However, Jaggareddy's recent remarks seem to have sent a message to all the key leaders last night that he would resign from the Congress as everyone has always thought, in the face of objections from his own party leaders.

However, the perception is that if he leaves the Congress, he will join the TRS.But Jaggareddy is unofficially commenting that he has no intention of joining the TRS and will continue to be an Independent.However, there was widespread panic over Jaggareddy's decision.

మిజోరాం చిన్నారి దేశభక్తి గీతం పాడిన తీరుకు చలించిన అమిత్ షా!...

However, Jaggareddy's remarks are being debated in the Congress if the Congress announces that it will leave.What kind of remarks does Jaggareddy make when he is branded as an anti-Rewant Reddy faction.


There is a debate over how much those remarks will embarrass Congress politically.Although it is not yet clear why Jaggareddy is leaving the Congress, Jaggareddy says that he is taking it with the intention that the Congress should not be harmed by me because the Congress is being harmed by me.- Jaggareddy Planning To Change Party Is It A Key Decision Today telugu-title:పార్టీ మారే యోచనలో జగ్గారెడ్డి.నేడే కీలక నిర్ణయమా? Read More ??https:/telugustop.com/?p=1916045 - Telangana #telangana #telangananews #hyderabad #Telugu #TeluguStop | Telangana #Telugu #TeluguStop #Telangana #Congress #Congressy #KomatiReddy #RewanthPCCChief #Telangana #TeluguNewsVideos Channel:Mana Telangana .
