iPhone Crash Detection feature helps severely injured driver: Report

San Francisco, Aug 17 : Apple iPhones Crash Detection feature has helped a severely injured driver following an accident, by alerting first responders, the media reported.

The accident happened on August 5 in the Grey Highlands, on Road 130 southwest of Highway 10, in Ontario.

Driver Hannah Ralphs iPhone contacted both emergency responders and her emergency contacts, including friend Grace Workman-Porecki, reports AppleInsider.

IPhone Crash Detection Feature Helps Severely Injured Driver: Report-Latest News

"The response time was incredible," said Workman-Porecki.

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Workman-Porecki also thanked the Grey Highlands’ first responders and staff at Markdale Hospital for helping Ralph.


"Hannah Ralph sustained injuries including broken femurs and pelvis, cranial and cervical spine fractures, plus multiple lacerations and substantial blood loss," the report said.

She underwent successful surgery to repair several breaks in her legs while in the hospital.

"Im telling everyone who drives in rural areas to get this [Crash Detection] technology," said Ralphs aunt Dr Angela Jones of Burlington.

"Who knows how long it could take to get help [without it?]" she added.

జర్మనీ బీచ్‌ల‌లో షాకింగ్ రూల్స్.. బట్టలు వేసుకుంటే ఇక గెంటేస్తారట..?...

Ralphs family and friends have also created a GoFundMe campaign to support her recovery from the accident and return to work.


Last month, a combination of Crash Detection and Apples Emergency SOS via satellite on an iPhone 14 had helped to save a man who drove off a cliff in California and was bleeding from the head, by guiding rescuers to the driver.

The mans car went over a cliff and dropped 400 feet before crashing to a halt.

In February this year, the Crash Detection feature in the iPhone 14 had alerted police following an accident, allowing the victims to receive help immediately.
