India, China hold military level talks to discuss routine issues within the LAC in Ladakh

New Delhi, Sep 1 : The Indian and Chinese armies have engaged in talks about the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

According to reports, the talks took place at the level of Division CommanderAccording to sources in the defence According to sources from the defence sector, according to sources in the defence sector, an Indian Army and Chinese Army Division Commander level meeting was held on Wednesday to discuss the routine issues concerning the peace and stability within the Line of Actuality in the Ladakh sector.

Sources who are familiar with the issue said that these meetings are scheduled regularly after every three months , at different levels to discuss the challenges of keeping peace and border control.The meeting takes place at an era when it is reported that the Chinese PLA continues to carry out massive construction work along the LAC to further improve the military infrastructure as well as connectivity in the region.

During the talks that took place, participants from the Indian and Chinese sides under the direction of division commanders were discussing issues that relate to peace in the Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO) sector as well as other regions.Prior to that, India and China held talks in the Chushul sector in the in the wake of the recent airspace violation committed by the Chinese Air Force, where India warned China against any mishaps.akr/khz/ .

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