IESA will train students in chip technology. India is aiming to be a the world’s chip hub

New Delhi, Aug 17 : In an effort to develop skilled workers for the expanding semiconductor sector in India and the world, the India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA) on Wednesday unveiled an unprecedented initiative that will reach out to suitable applicants, develop them and connect them with potential employers.

Moreover, the government has invested massively in the training and education of young Indians to meet the demands of the 21st century "Naturally the industry is well-developed with many opportunities for a variety of stakeholders including young ECE as well as CE graduates.However, we must acknowledge that in comparison to the IT industry, electronics and semiconductors are somewhat less prominent on the radar of students of today," said Dr Pradip Thaker, Executive Council, IESA "Industry leaders will have to encourage, motivate, help and nurture the talents of the nation to be a part of the path and have equipped for the industry to take advantage of existing and new opportunities as the our nation transitions from being a chip-taker into a chip maker," he emphasised.

With the fact that a large portion of engineers (ECE, CE, CS students) are currently pursuing IT jobs in the semiconductor and electronic sector is facing a huge issue.The IESA initiative will be implemented in three phases to create awareness, share Knowledge , and Connect Industry.

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In the initial phase the association is planning to create an individual LinkedIn page that will provide periodic information on the most recent developments in the electronics and semiconductor industry "In out of this, the organization will utilize government-sponsored television ads to reach the most students and their parents to be a social influencer to help educate the emergence of huge opportunities in the coming decade," it said in the statement.In the second phase the association will host a series of industry speakers either live or in recorded format.


The interns who are certified by the IESA will be able to get experience in CSR-driven sponsored programs.Additionally, there will be a sponsorship for skill development of free CAD equipment for universities.

The final phase will comprise industry-sponsored fellowships for students who meet the criteria, said the association.It is intended to establish a strong cross-connect between over 300 companies and more than 22,000 colleges "The final objective of this project is to significantly increase the enrollment of ECE as well as CE students into jobs in the electronics and semiconductor industries in the span of four years." stated the .
