Gurugram Hospitals alerted to the spread of Covid variant

Gurugram, Nov 29, : A Gurugram official stated that the Gurugram Health department has issued the necessary instructions to the government and private health facilities against Covid-19s Delta plus’ variantThe Delta plus variant has not been reported to the district yet, but the Health department has written to all authorities and officials to be on the lookout for it.

The health officials said that the department has developed an action plan together with the district task force to combat the new variant "We have been given orders by the state government that people from South Africa, Brazil, China, New Zealand and Bangladesh should be under special scanners.Quarantine will be provided and testing will be done.

"For this, the cooperation with the police will be taken," Chief Medicine Officer (CMO), Virender Yodav told IANS "We have sent an email to the government and private hospitals in this district amid the Delta plus variant.Yadav stated that a physical meeting will be held Monday with the district task team and government and private hospital officials to discuss the matter.

He said that the government had directed private hospitals to conduct Covid testing for foreigners and to report to the district Health department regularly "In all areas of high population, an intensive screening campaign will take place.Private health facilities were also asked to update the Indian Council of Medical Research portal.

మెగాస్టార్ విశ్వంభరలో పవన్ కళ్యాణ్ కనిపిస్తారా.. అలా జరిగితే ఫ్యాన్స్ కు పండగే!...

All health centres, including condominiums, corporate offices, and other places that are crowded, will see an increase in rapid antigen testing.The CMO stated that the vaccination drive will be conducted in conjunction with testing.str/khz/ #Gurugram #Hospitals #spread #Covid #variant.
