Chandigarh : , Sunday, Nov 28 : , Haryana Chief Minister Manohar lal Khattar said that the Parivar Patra scheme encourages entrepreneurial spirit among 1.5 lakh families earning less than Rs 1 lakh.Antyodaya Gram Utthan Melas, which are being organized at the block level, connect youth with self-employment.The first phase, which runs from November 29 through December 25, will offer youth the chance to choose their profession at fairs located in 180 locations.
The Chief Minister stated that the Mukhyamantri Utthan Yojana was being implemented to improve the standard of living.This means that Antyodaya Gram Utthan Melas across the state will be held starting Monday.
To identify eligible families, a special campaign was launched.Personal information was collected from 1.5 lakh families, out of 3.25 lakh families with incomes below Rs 1 lakh.
He stated that the Antyodaya Gram Utthan Melas would be held for two to three days and that eligible families would be selected based on the schedules in each district.
The state has been divided into 272 areas and each zone has a nodal officer.
In addition, state-level officers are now required to perform their duties, which includes social workers and public officials.
He stated in the Mukhyamantri Antyodaya Parivarutthan Yojana that verified data from Parivar Patra was obtained and that this allowed the state to identify poor families.
This scheme includes a number of other measures to improve education, skills development, wages, self employment, and employment generation.
The scheme aims to increase the family’s annual income by Rs 1 lakh in the beginning and Rs 1.80 lakh over time.
The second phase will see the loan approvals made in these Antyodaya Gram Utthan Melas in January next.
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