Global Covid Caseload reaches 257 Mn

Washington, November 21st : The total global coronavirus cases has reached 257 millions.According to Johns Hopkins University, the death tolls have risen to more than 5 million, and vaccines to more 7.

37 billionThe Universitys Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE), updated its status on Sunday morning.It revealed that the global caseload and death toll, as well as the number of vaccines given, stood at 257.156.570, 5.146.136, and 7.370.409,275 respectively.According to the CSSE, the USA continues to be the country most affected by the greatest number of deaths and cases, with 47,701,868 in the US and 771 013, respectively.India is the second-most affected country by cases, with 34,499.925 infections and 465.349 deaths.Brazil comes in at 22.012,150 infections, and 612 587 deaths.According to the CSSE statistics, other countries that have more than 5 million cases include the UK (9.857.658), Russia (9.135,149), Turkey (8.5522.347), France (7.497.912) and Iran (6.073,098).Mexico (22,145), Russia (257,000911), Peru (207,000711), Indonesia (143 709), Peru (257,891) and Peru (227,709) are some of the countries with more than 100,000 deaths.

The UK (144 308), Italy (1133 034), Iran (128,852) Colombia (128,054) France (119 407), Argentina (116 341).ksk/ #Covid #Caseload #reaches.

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