German Economic minister aide sacked over nepotism scandal

Berlin, May 18 : Germanys Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck has dismissed his State Secretary Patrick Graichen amid a nepotism scandal concerning the selection of project partners and job positions.

Last year, Habecks Green Party colleague Graichen signed off financial support for a project by Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND) in Berlin.This was a clear conflict of interests, as his sister is on the board of the NGOs state chapter, Xinhua news agency reported."Its one mistake too many," Habeck said on Wednesday at a press conference, adding that the dismissal of Graichen was "a far-reaching, difficult decision".

Graichen was already facing growing criticism after a friend who had been the best man at his wedding was nominated to become the next managing director of the state-owned German Energy Agency (dena)."There is no question that a mistake was made in this," Habeck said.The job position is to be put out to tender again so that the agency may operate "free from suspicion of conflicts of interest".int/khz/ #German #Economic #sacked #nepotism #scandal #Germany.

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