Four held at Delhi airport with gold worth over Rs 2 cr

New Delhi, June 23 : The Customs officials on Friday said that they have arrested four persons at the Indira Gandhi International Airport here for allegedly smuggling 4,000 grams of gold worth Rs 2,09,28,600.

The customs officials said that all the four passengers arrived at the airport from Bangkok.

The four passengers were intercepted after they crossed the green channel.On detailed personal and baggage search, the customs officials recovered 4,000 grams of gold (1,000 grams from each) equivalent to total Rs 2,09,28,600.

Four Held At Delhi Airport With Gold Worth Over Rs 2 Cr-Crime News English-Telug

"The said recovered gold has been seized under section 110 of the Customs Act on the reasonable belief that the same are liable for confiscation under section 111 of the Customs Act.The passenger has been placed under arrest in terms of section 104 of the Customs Act," said the official.Further details were awaited.

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