Fasting During Pregnancy |

Navratri will start from October 7.These nine-days ammavaru worshiped in nine different ways.

During these nine days, women fast and worship .Pregnant women also do fasting to please Goddess Durga.But sometimes women make some mistakes about their health without even knowing it.The result is unhealthy issues.So let us know the precautions to be taken by pregnant women during Navratri fastingPregnant women should refrain from consuming foods like potatoes, kheer, sabudana and pakora during Navratri fasting.These help in weight gain.

In addition, eating them can cause a variety of problems.Most women do not eat salt during fasting.As a result, they quickly weaken.Apart from these .it also has an effect on blood pressure.Avoid doing this.Use rock salt during Navratri fasting.Pregnant women should not fast without water.Drink water frequently during fasting.Consult a doctor in advance about fasting.

మిజోరాం చిన్నారి దేశభక్తి గీతం పాడిన తీరుకు చలించిన అమిత్ షా!...

If the doctor suggests that fasting does not harm you or your baby, then it is better to fastDo not injure your body under any circumstances.When you are pregnant, you and your baby need energy.


Fresh fruits, which are needed to give energy to the body during fasting, should be taken with such ingredients.Some fast most of the time so can cause weakness, acidity, headaches, and anemia in the body.

Also if you feel sleepy ,you should consult a doctor immediately if you feel weak.Not only solids but also liquids should be taken while fasting.That is .buttermilk, juice, milk, water should be taken.Fasting, Pregnancy Woman Fasting, Pregnancy Tips, Healthy Food for Pregnancy Woman, Pregnancy Woman Fasting Tips, Dos and Donts Pregnancy Woman, Navaratri Fasting, Pregnant Woman Fasting in Navaratri, Navaratri Fasting,Navaratri Special, Dasara,Fasting During Pregnancy,Health Tips, Telugu health tips, Health Tips in TelugFasting During Pregnancy | Telugu Health | గ‌ర్భిణీలు ఉపవాసం చేయొచ్చా.? #PregnancyTips #FastinFasting #PregnancyWomanFasting #PregnancyTips #HealthyFoodforPregnancyWoman #PregnancyWomanFastingTips #DosandDontsPregnancyWoman #NavaratriFasting #PregnantWomanFastinginNavaratri #NavaratriFasting #NavaratriSpecial #Dasara #FastingDuringPregnancy #HealthTips #Teluguhealthtips #HealthTipsinTelugu Please Subscribe To TeluguStop Channel ? for More Daily Videos.& Click on Bell ? .
