Divya Khosla Kumar wore 15kg lehenga with heels to shoot for ‘Saure Ghar’ in hilly area

Mumbai, Sept 1 : Actress-producer Divya Khosla Kumar donned a 15kg lehenga for the recently released song ‘Saure Ghar’ from her upcoming film ‘Yaariyan 2’.

In the song, Divya plays a bride.

The actress pulled off the heavy lehenga, along with high heels as well as heavy jewellery while shooting the song in hilly regions which makes it much more difficult and challenging to carry.

The shoot also involved consecutive night shoots making the schedule an exhausting one.However, Divya did it all without breaking a sweat and literally left everyone on set very impressed.

ప్రవాస భారతీయుల కోసం ప్రత్యేక రైలు .. ఏంటి దీని స్పెషాలిటీ?...

‘Yaariyan 2’ stars Divya Khosla Kumar, Meezaan Jafri and Pearl V Puri, Yash Daasguptaa, Anaswara Rajan, Warina Hussain, and Priya Varrier.


Gulshan Kumar and T-Series present a T-Series film and Rao & Sapru Films production titled ‘Yaariyan 2’.The movie, produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Divya Khosla Kumar, and Aayush Maheshwari is directed by Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru.

The film will hit the theatres on October 20, 2023.
