Fans joy was boundless when all the Pan Indian movies that were postponed due to Corona, announced their release dates on the same day in a row."RRR", "Radheshyam", "Bhimla Nayak", "Sarkaru Vari Pata", "F3", "Acharya" movies have announced their release dates.
Earlier, renowned Tollywood producer Dil Raju had said that he was ready to postpone his film for "RRR", adding that "RRR" is a pan-Indian film and therefore should be given due respect.
But now the "F3" movie is being released in theatres a day earlier than the Acharya movie.Fans are incensed over Dil Rajus attitude in the background.
Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan starrer "Acharya" will be released on April 29, while "F3" will be released on April 28.Dil Raju, who is all set to postpone his filming for "RRR", has been criticized by fans for not watching "Acharya" as a Pan Indian film or a big budget film.But there is also a story behind the clash of F3 and Acharya movies.
During the movie "Bharat Ane Nenu" there were some misunderstandings between Dilraju and Koratala Siva.Acharya Cinema rights were given by Koratala Shiva to Warangal Srinu instead of Dil Raju - Did Dil Raju Mean That “Acharya” Is Not A Pan-Indian Film? - Telugu Acharya Did Dil Raju Mean That "Acharya" Is Not A Pan-Indian Film? Read More ??https:/ - Telugu #Telugu #TeluguNews #TeluguStop Channel:Mana Telangana .
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