Deva Katta shows his frustration in twitter

Director Deva Katta of vennela and Prasthanam fame has started his 3rd venture AutoNagar Surya with high hopes and was aimed for a big commercial success .

But all his dreams were shattered as the film stuck with financial troubles.

Though the film has been making lots of noise, it’s theatrical release has become a matter of concern.We have been hearing about the reports of the film’s release from last September.

Recently the makers announced that the movie will release on February 27.As per latest update, ANS is not releasing on Feb 27 and it is not clear when it will actually see the light Deva Katta frustrated with the postponement and vents his anger over twitter A director is merely a spectator whn it comes to d release of a film just like d audience.He has no choice but to believe in wht he is told (sic).

ది ప్యారడైజ్ లో నాని లుక్ వెనుక అసలు కథ ఇదేనా.. ఈ షాకింగ్ విషయాలు తెలుసా?...

However he is confident about the way the film has shaped up.As of last week my wrk wth ANS is complete.Evry artist & technician who contributed to d film r extremely proud of wht they could achieve ! (sic), he wrote on his twitter page.


One can’t help but need to feel sorry for Deva Katta.
