New Delhi, Dec 2 : The Delhi High Court on Friday sought a report from the medical board of the Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan (LNJP) Hospital on a married womans plea for terminating her eight-month pregnancy as the foetus suffers from cerebral abnormalities."Considering the gestational period, the medical board of LNJP hospital is directed to conduct a medical examination of the petitioner today itself and submit a report to this court," Justice Pratibha M Singh said while directing the respondent to examine the case and listed the matter for December 5.
The 26-year-old woman mentioned in the petition that a cerebral abnormality was found in the foetus on November 12 and was confirmed by another ultrasound conducted at a private facility two days later.However, she had undergone various ultrasounds since she conceived.
The counsel for the petitioner submitted that termination can be permitted in such cases under Sections 3(2B) and 3(2D) of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act."Since the Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital does not have a medical board for MTP cases, the foetus can be examined by the medical board of LNJP Hospital," the counsel submitted.spr/ #Delhi #LNJP #Hospitals #married #womans #trimester #Jai #Delhi #New Delhi .
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