Danish Vice PM Ellemann-Jensen resigns

Copenhagen, Oct 24 : Danish Vice Prime Minister (PM) and Minister for Economic Affairs Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, also chairman of the Liberal Party (Venstre), has announced his resignation from politics during a press conference here.

"My actions cast a shadow over Venstres results in the government, and they also overshadow the lefts ability to move forward.

Thats why Im taking the consequences now and resigning as the chairman of Venstre," said Ellemann-Jensen, who was flanked by his party colleagues, Minister of Defence Troels Lund Poulsen and Venstre Vice Chairman Stephanie Lose.

Danish Vice PM Ellemann-Jensen Resigns-International,,-Telugu Tollywood Photo Im

Elleman-Jensens decision has led to his stepping down from the positions of Vice PM, Finance Minister and Venstres leader, one of the three coalition partners that came into power after the last general election in November 2022, Xinhua news agency reported.

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He also vacated his seat in the Danish Parliament (Folketinget).


Poulsen will temporarily take over as Vice PM and Finance Minister in addition to his current ministerial portfolio, while Lose will take over Elleman-Jensens responsibilities in the party until Venstres national meeting in November elects a new leader.

Ellemann-Jensens tenure as the leader of a coalition partner has been plagued by an unspecified illness, from which he returned only in August 2023 after six months of leave.

His decision to quit comes amid a significant decline in support for Venstre, with the party recently receiving its lowest polling rate in October.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen expressed her regret on Facebook regarding Ellemann-Jensens departure, extended her gratitude for his cooperation and commended his political courage.

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