Chinese ‘cartographic offensive’ is a part of its ‘Three Warfare Strategy’, but India is firm!

New Delhi, August 30 : The 2023 edition of the standard map of China, released by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Peoples Republic of China (PRC), is neither the first attempt to illegally document unilateral claim on sovereign territories of other countries, nor the last one.

The 2023 edition of the standard map of China, released by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Peoples Republic of China (PRC) is neither the first attempt to illegally document unilateral claim on sovereign territories of other countries, nor the last one.

It has been published by design to documentarily justify its illegal claims by launching a cartographic offensive.It forms part of Legal Warfare as a component of Three Warfare Strategy as an attempt to produce legal justification of its illegal claims.

Cartographic Offensive

The 2023 edition of the standard map of China released on August 28 illegally shows Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin (which is integral part of India) in Chinese territory, besides showing South China Sea and Taiwan too as Chinese territory.

సూపర్ స్టార్ రజనీకాంత్ కు తల్లిగా, చెల్లిగా, ఇతర పాత్రల్లో నటించిన హీరోయిన్ ఎవరో తెలుసా?...

India has already launched diplomatic protest and its fair to assume that such act must have caused discomfort amongst other claimants of South China Sea, Taiwan and other users of South China Sea too.The other part of this cartographic aggression is giving Chinese names to places in other countries, where it extends its illegal claims.Although it is quite certain that such an act, in isolation, does not change anything on ground, but the intention, timing and strategy behind such repeated acts is worth an



Why New Map Now?

The map has been released ten days prior to G20 Summit.China anticipates that the intention of many countries in G20 is to criticize aggression and encroachments by large countries be it Russian kinetic operation in Ukraine or China’s incremental encroachment in South China Sea, East China Sea or Taiwanese air and maritime space.

The illegal maps released by China so far (including the current one) form the basis to build the background for ‘legal war’ to claim that all its activities are purely defensive to protect its own sovereign territory.That would be China’s stance in G20 or any possible bilateral between China and India, if it happens!

జయమాలినిని కత్తితో బెదిరించిన అగంతకుడు.. తర్వాతేం చేశాడో తెలిస్తే..?...

It is also an attempt to put the opposite side on defensive on negotiation table by adopting a maximal position in the beginning.


The conversation between Chinese President

Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra Modi during BRICS Summit 2023 reported by Chinese media stated "agreed to maintain the momentum of dialogue and negotiations through military and diplomatic channels", indicating no commitment of disengagement.

The map release therefore is a smart move to score a point to derail negotiations or disengagement.

A subtle attempt to divert attention of Chinese people from economic downslide by such gimmicks cant be ruled out.

Chinese Strategy of Three Warfare

The above example of legal warfare is part of Chinese Strategy of Three Warfare.China introduced this strategy comprising of the concepts of public opinion warfare,

psychological warfare, and legal warfare, when it revised the "Political Work Guidelines of the Peoples Liberation Army" in 2003.

The Three Warfare Strategys objective is to win by suppressing the enemys desire to fight or, in Sun Tzus words, winning without fighting, Through deceit, diplomatic pressure, information operations involving rumors, false narratives, and harassment, it is intended to influence the decision-making of the adversary.

Illegal maps like the one shown above give reality to psychological warfare and propaganda, which are frequently employed to weaken the resolve of the enemy and secure the support of the home population to wage a protracted war.

How does it impact China-India border situation?

Notwithstanding the optics of Modi - Xi conversation in BRICS Summit 2023, this illegal map further increases the trust deficit between the two countries, and no change in ground position is anticipated.

The political intentions of China is to continue the standoff, put in façade of talking with no results, hoping that the existing positions become new normal with passage of time, even if India continues to say "India-China relations cannot be normal unless border situation is".

India on the other hand has learnt not to believe China and will continue to firmly defend its position on borders and its territorial integrity.Both sides will have to bear the burden of additional deployment until India can generate some more leverages in multi-dimensional powerplay along with other strategic partners.

Unless the political cost of not resolving border tension becomes more than resolving it, for China, the possibility of normal relations is remote.

(Major General S B Asthana is an international strategic and military analyst.

Views expressed are his personal)
