China’s Yutu2 rover spots “mystery hut” on the far side of Moon

Beijing, Dec 5, : Chinas Yutu 2 Rover has seen a mysterious object on the horizon as it works its way across Von Karman Crater on the far side, according to media reportsAccording to Yutu 2, a cube-shaped object was seen on the horizon to north and approximately 80 metres away in November, during the 36th lunar day. reported that the Yutu 2 diary was published by Our Space.According to the report, a large boulder that was excavated during an impact event could be the likely explanation for the shape.Our Space called the object a "mystery-hut", but this was a placeholder name and not a precise description.

Yutu 2 will spend the next 2-3 lunar day (2-3 Earth month) traversing lunar regolith, avoiding craters, to get a closer view.Updates can be expected.

The Change 4 Change 4 lander carrying Yutu 2 rover arrived in Von Karman Crater, January 2, 2019, and the solar-powered rover reached the 1,000-day mark on the Moon in SeptemberA.The rover also rolled through the Von Karman crater, which measures 186 km.Change 4 is Chinas fourth lunar mission, and the second time a rover has been delivered to the moon.The Change 1 & 2 missions were orbiters.

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Change 3 landed on the near side with the Yutu rover.The report stated that China also launched the Change 5 T1 mission around the moon, and the Change 5 lunar sample return mission.


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