China’s supreme leader Xi Jinping is demanding his place in this world

New Delhi/Beijing : The billion-strong Chinese population has a permanent leader in President Xi Jinping.

This is in addition to the cores Mao Zedong, Deng XiaopingIt is with the ultimate ideological crown on his head that Xi Jinping will make attempts to meet US President Joe Biden.

Xi Jinping will attempt to meet US President Joe Biden with the highest ideological crown on his head.Both have previously met in different avatars, but this is will be the first time, from Xis point of view, they will meet as equals without equal.

Although they have met before in different avatars, this will be their first meeting.The virtual meeting will be the platform Xi seeks to raise his countrys bar, naturally under his leadership as the other two cores look on, to the level of the US, equal to it in spirit, influence and power even if economic or military superiority still eludes Xi.The virtual meeting will serve as Xis platform to raise his country’s standards, naturally under his leadership, while the other cores watch, to the level that the US is, with the same spirit, influence, and power, even if Xi still lacks military or economic superiority.Chinas envoy to the US, Qin Gang could not suppress his triumph at his leaders most honoured position in his country.

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Qin Gang, Chinas ambassador to the US was unable to suppress his joy at the most high-ranking position in China "Some people say that the China-US relationship cannot go back to the past."Some people believe that China-US relations cannot be restored to their past.We reject this view.This view is not supported by us.We look forward to working with the American government and visionary people, in the spirit of the phone call between our presidents, to strengthen dialogue, manage differences, focus on co-operation, and make unremitting efforts to take China-US relations back to the right track.".We are looking forward to working with American visionary people and the American government in the spirit the phone call between our presidents.This will allow us to strengthen dialogue, manage differences and focus on cooperation, as well as make unremitting efforts towards restoring China-US relations to the right track.


What he did not say was his President was waiting for this moment to have a formal chat with his American counterpart when unlike the latter he need not be worried about getting elected for another season.He did not mention that his President was waiting to have a conversation with his American counterpart.

However, unlike the former, he does not need to worry about being elected for another term.By next October, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) completes the formality of giving him the power for a third term, he would speak for all China.

Next October, after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), has completed the formalities of giving him power for a third term in office, he will speak for all China.President Biden will get a special rehearsal at his summit with Xi.At his summit with Xi, President Biden will receive a special rehearsal.Chinas propaganda machine knows its job and excelled at it even as the four-day plenary of the 19th central committee of the CCP went about lauding the "socialist modernisation" under Xis leadership.

Chinas propaganda machine is well-trained and excels at its job, even though the CCPs 19th central committee celebrated the "socialist modernization" under Xi.Under his leadership, China is becoming a powerful country, and is now entering an era of strength, state media organ Xinhua gushed.China has become a powerful country under his leadership and is now entering an era full of strength, according to state media organ Xinhua.

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It came up with a 12,000-word homage to the supreme leader that says: "Since being elected general secretary of the CPC Central Committee in November 2012, Xi has been seen as a man of determination and action, a man of profound thoughts and feelings, a man who inherited a legacy but dares to innovate, and a man who has forward-looking vision and is committed to working tirelessly.".It created a 12,000 word tribute to the supreme leader.It reads: "Since being elected General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee (November 2012), Xi has been viewed as a man with determination and action, a deep thought and feeling, a man that inherited a legacy, but dares innovate, and a forward-looking vision who is committed to tireless work." The anointment brings to an end the period of reflection in Chinese society.


The period of reflection in Chinese society is over with the anointment.The period of following what the leader says has arrived.

It is now time to follow the leaders lead.Xi went about implementing some of his thoughts even before the plenum.

Xi began to implement some of his ideas even before the plenum.The rest he left to his gigantic party machinery to enforce.

He left the rest to his party machine to enforce.Children, for example, cannot watch video games for more than three hours a week.

For example, children cannot play video games for longer than three hours per week.Xi thinks that is a bad habit.

Xi believes that this is a bad behavior."Sissy men" cannot be seen on television because Xi likes men to look vigorous and with vigorous hobbies."Sissy men" cant be seen on television.

Xi prefers men to look active and have vigorous hobbies.Like swimming.Swimming is a favorite pastime.

Mao liked to swim too and Xi loves to paddle in water.Mao loved to swim, and Xi also loves to paddle in the water.

The propaganda machine exhorts that active sports and physical labour develop a mans stamina.According to the propaganda machine, physical labor and active sports increase a mans stamina.

That is what Xi did and the stamina helped him run the party, the government and the military.Thats what Xi did, and the stamina helped him to run the party and the government.

Xi does not like private tuitions because they are scaring away poor parents who fear their children may not be able to compete with rich kids.Private tuitions are not liked by Xi because they scare away parents who worry that their children will not be able compete with wealthy kids.

It is a different matter altogether that private tuitions have gone online or continue in secret and at more exorbitant rates.Private tuitions are now available online, or they continue secretly at higher rates.

The leader does not like top industrialists insulting the country and its industrious officialdom.The leader doesnt like the insults made by top industrialists to the country and its industrious officials.

Jack Ma lambasted the official industry regulators last year and ended up paying a fine in billions apart from seeing one of his unicorns crumble to dust.Jack Ma slammed the industry regulators last season and ended up paying a fine of billions, in addition to seeing one his unicorns fall to dust.

Real estate big daddies have had their profits sliced for artificial hikes in market rates, overnight forced to follow the regulators plan to hive them into insignificant nothings.Real estate industry big boys have seen their profits cut for artificial increases in market rates.

They were forced overnight to comply with the regulators plan.This is what it means for China to be a powerful country and entering an era of strength under the "core" leadership of Xi.This is how China can be a strong country and enter an era under the "core leadership" of Xi.The euphoria understandably neglects the visible chinks in the economic armour, the price rise, the oscillating markets, the growing urban-rural and rich-poor divide and the growing frustration among the millions of ordinary Chinese that is bottled for now.The euphoria ignores the obvious chinks in economic armour, such as the price rise, oscillating markets and the growing frustration among millions of Chinese.If Xi was missing from the international fora -- he has not been seen outside his country for over 650 days -- this is what he was up to, ensuring that the plenum passes off uneventfully.

If Xi has been missing from the international forums for more than 650 days, this is what he was doing to ensure that the plenum goes smoothly.It is time for a revitalised Xi to bare himself before the world, ensuring China marches along with him.A reenergized Xi must now show his face to the world and ensure that China follows him.The contours of his "core" philosophy may soon be visible to all, whether in the projection of Chinas influence through the BRI, Xis intentional aggression against Taiwan and the South China Sea, or the unprovoked stand-off with India in Ladakh in the Himalayas.His "core" philosophy could soon be apparent to everyone, whether it is in Chinas projection through the BRI, Xi’s intentional aggression against Taiwan and South China Sea, or his unprovoked standoff with India at Ladakh in The Himalayas.

Likewise, the soft and hard projections of Chinas power and influence through the UN and its bodies and global financial institutions will also become clearer.The soft and hard projections for Chinas influence and power through the UN, its bodies and global financial institutions and international financial institutions will also be clearer.

However, what takes the cake is how Xi and Biden hit it off when they meet, either virtually or perhaps at the inauguration of the Beijing Winter Olympics next year.What is most impressive, however, is the way Xi and Biden met up when they were both online or at the inauguration for the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2012.spc #Chinas #supreme #world #Delhi.