China Slams Passage Of Us Navy Warships Through Taiwan Strait

China blockades the passage of US Navy warships through Taiwan Strait

Beijing 29 August : The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Monday condemned the passing of two US Navy warships across the Taiwan Strait, calling it an act of “provocation” with the aim of “sabotaging the peace and stability of the region”.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian Zhao Lijian said Washington must adhere to the “One China” policy which is the belief that there’s just one Chinese government, as reported by the DPA news agency.

 China Slams Passage Of Us Navy Warships Through Taiwan

Taiwan has been governed by an independent , self-governing government since 1949, however China considers Taiwan to be a democratic as a part of its territory.It also opposes any type of official relations between Taiwan and China.

On Sunday, the guided missile cruisers USS Antietam and USS Chancellorsville performed the “routine” mission in international waters the US Navy’s 7th Fleet said.

“The ship’s passage through the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the US commitment to a free and free Indo-Pacific.

The United States military flies, sails, and operates wherever legal under international law,” the statement said.

This was the first time that the US military sent warships along the waterway’s strategic channel since US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan on August 2.

The short visit, in which Pelosi declared Washington’s solidarity was met with the criticism of the Chinese leadership in Beijing.

In response in response, the Chinese military launched massive maneuvers on the island.

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