Bushfires rage in Australia, more emergency warnings issued #rage #Australia

Canberra, Feb 7 : Multiple bushfires continued to rage in the state of Western Australia (WA) on Monday with more emergency warnings issued.

The fires have threatened several towns in the state in the past few days, with residents from some areas, including the small railway town of Hester, being warned to leave before it was too late, reports Xinhua news agency.

All residents within 500 metres of Timber Treaters in Hester are to evacuate immediately due to toxic materials being dispersed by wind.The states Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) said on Monday that Hester is no longer under direct threat from the bushfire, but it remains in the emergency area along with many other newly-reported dangerous shires.

Bushfires Rage In Australia, More Emergency Warnings Issued #rage #Australia-Int

The latest warnings were also placed for residents from the states southwest Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes and the Shires of Quairading, Bruce Rock, Kondinin and Kulin.People were told to leave immediately and protect themselves by wearing long sleeves and trousers made from cotton or wool, and strong leather boots.

ది ప్యారడైజ్ లో నాని లుక్ వెనుక అసలు కథ ఇదేనా.. ఈ షాకింగ్ విషయాలు తెలుసా?...

"You are in danger and need to act immediately to survive.There is a threat to lives and homes," the DFES said.ksk/ #rage #Australia #emergency.
