Bennett thanked Erdogan for the release of an Israeli couple

Tel Aviv : Nov 19, 2009 - Naftali Bennett, Israeli Prime Minister, thanked Recep Tayyip Erdan for releasing a couple of Israelis held in Istanbul under suspicion of espionageAccording to Xinhua, the phone conversation between Israeli and Turkish leaders occurred on Thursday evening hours following the release of the couple and their return to Israel.

Bennetts Office issued a statement stating that Erdogan was thanked by Bennett for his "personal involvement" in the release Natali Oknin and Mordi Oknin.Bennett stated that the couples release was "a solution for a humanitarian problem" and "noted favorably the communication channels between the countries which functioned efficiently in times of crisis and discretely.

" This was Bennetts first formal conversation with Erdogan since he was sworn in as president in June.Natalie Oknin and Mordi Oknin were taken photos of Istanbuls Ottoman-era Dolmabahce Palace while on a boat tour.They were then arrested for spying.

The presidential office uses parts of this building.Bennett posted a picture of his wife and son hugging at the airport on Thursday morning and added: "Welcome back." ksk/ #Bennett #thanked #Erdogan #Israeli.

టీ కాఫీలు మానేసి రోజు ఉదయం ఈ వాటర్ తాగితే ఎంత లావుగా ఉన్న వారైనా సన్నబడతారు!...