44 undocumented Ethiopian migrants deported from Zambia

Lusaka 14 Sep, Lusaka : Authorities in the immigration department in Zambia have sent 44 illegal immigrants to their country of origin of Ethiopia the spokesperson for the agency said.

The spokesperson said in an announcement that the 20-year-old Ethiopian national fell ill and was declared deceased by medical staff stationed in the airport, Xinhua news agency reported "The reason of death is still to be established.The remaining 43 were successfully exiled from the country" he said.

According to him, the deportation increases the number of Ethiopians exiled from Ethiopia between September 8-12 to 107.He expressed his concern about the fact that immigrants who are illegally residing in the Horn of Africa, assisted by smugglers and traffickers continue to make risky journeys in the search of better pastures.int/khz/ .

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