10 oldest religions of the world – which is first ?

What is a religion? Its a belief that this entire universe is created and maintained by a Supreme Soul, who is above all the worldly things.

Religion is a mode of worshiping that lord and paying back him with prayers for his creations.

However, an atheist will have different version about the creation of world.But even an atheist cant ignore the existence of religions and their history since, there are scientific proofs for thier origin.Now, lets see the 10 oldest religions in the world.

10) Islam

No so old, but today, its the second most followed religion in the world.The basic principle of this religion is not to worship anyone except the almighty, who is called as Allah in Islam.Prophet Mohammed founded this religion in 622 AD.

9) Christianity

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You may wonder why Christianity is the most followed religion in the world today, even though its not as old as many other religions.Thats colonisation effect.Trinity is the theme of Christianity and it was founded in 33 CE.8) Taosim Taoism is a Chinese religion which got started much before Christianity, some point of time in 3rd-4th century, BC.7) Jainism Jainism or Jain Dharma is one of the Indian religions which came into existence in the year 450 BC.It teaches the mankind to stay away from all worldly possessions.6) Confucianism This old religion is spread in countries like Japan, Macau, Honk Kong and China.It was started in 500 BC.5) Shinto This is the most followed religion in Japan.It teaches ethical values and came into existence in 8 BC.4) Buddhism One of the religions from the heartland of India and its premises.Based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha, who is said to be an incarnation of Maha Vishnu by some scriptures, Buddhism promotes non violence.3) Zoroastrianism Bit hard to spell right ? Well, it is one of the most ancient religions on the planet and the third to get started before the common era.It has couple of million followers spread in India and Iraq.It is believed that Zoroastrianism got started in 1000 BCE.2) Judaism It came into existence from 2000 BCE and this ancient religion is practiced by Jewish people.It teacher the principles of monotheism.1) Hinduism There is no proper evidence on when it got started but the historians say that it was 4000 BCE or even more into the past.However, the word Santana Dharma means eternal with no birth.


Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad-Gita are the prominent religious books of this religion.The most ancient religion of the world is currently, the third most followed.


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